*       There are words that have the same pronunciation but differ in spellings. They are called Homophones. (काही शब्दांचे उच्चार (pronunciation) सारखे पण spelling आणि (meaning)अर्थ वेगळे असतात अशा शब्दाना Homophones असे म्हणतात)
 For example, (a) fair - fare (b) know - no
*        Sometimes the words have the same spellings and pronunciation but can have different meanings in different situations. They are called Homographs. (काही शब्दांचे  spelling आणि  pronunciation सारखेच असतात परंतु त्यांचे meaning(अर्थ) संदर्भानुसार वेगवेगळे असतात. अशा शब्दाना Homographs (समाक्षरी शब्द ) असे म्हणतात)
For example, (a) watch - observe   watch - shows time
  (b) fair -  not very good, not very bad
fair -  an exhibition and sale of items
                                           fair -  of complexion, skin tone
Note  :  Homophones and Homographs are together known as Homonyms.
  Give the Homophones of the following.
(a)  blue ………… (b) bear………. (c) beet ………. (d) to…… (e) son………
For Standard Ten


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1. Find from the lesson the Homophones of the following. (Ref.P.No-31to33)
(A) Pick the Homophones from the text.
1. see -                                                            6. eye -
2. wood -                                                        7. peace -
3. there -                                                        8. threw -
4. scene -                                                       9. hence -
5. won -                                                          10. knot -
(B) Explain how the underlined Homographs differ in meaning.
1. (a) He saw his two brothers. ………………………………………………
(b) The woodcutter cut the weaked branch with his sharp saw ……………
2. (a) The bird injured his wings……………………………………………..
   (b) He lives in the ‘c’ wing of the building. ………………………………
3. (a) The aeroplane will land at 9.00 pm. sharp. …………………………..
        (b) He owns 10 acre of land. ……………………………………………..
4. (a) The head of the institution was on leave. ……………………………
    (b) He bends his head down with chin. …………………………………

(c)Homographs - Pairs of words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings, in different contexts. (My English Coursebook Ten P.N-65)
For example, l watch - observe l watch - device that shows time
Use the following words in two different contexts.
(a)  Couple.  1) Ans- The bowler managed to take a couple of wickets.
Couple.  2) Ans- The elder couple was taking a walk in the park.
(b) mind ………………………………………                mind ……………………………….
(c) space ………………………………………               space ……………………………….
(d) sound ……………………………………...                sound ………………………….......
(e) left left
In your notebook, make pairs of sentences with any 3 of the above homographs.


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