n writing, we show words and sentences separately. We also show whether a sentence is a question or an exclamation or a statement. We show what each person has said in the course of conversation. We show these and many other things with the help of certain marks. Punctuation is a system of using these marks in writing. We use them to separate or specify certain items.
¨Some punctuations are as follows:-
(1) Apostrophe ( षष्टीदर्शक चिन्ह)
(2) Capital Letters (‘A’)
(3) Colon (अपूर्णविराम)
(4) Comma (स्वल्पविराम)
(5) Dash (अपसारण चिन्ह)
(6) Exclamation Mark (उद्गारचिन्ह)
(7) Full Stop (पूर्णविराम)
(8) Hyphen (संयोगचिन्ह)
(9) Question Mark (प्रश्नचिन्ह)
(10)                   Quotation Mark (अवतरणचिन्ह)
(11)                   Semi Colon (अर्धविराम)
(12)                   Caret (काकपद)
(13)                   Parentheses (गोल कंस)
(14)                   Ellipsis (शब्द लोप)

1)   Apostrophe ( ’ )  
The apostrophe is a punctuation mark. It is used with‘s’ (or by itself) to show that a thing or a person belongs to somebody.

e.g. 1) Raju’s toys  2) My brother’s bat     3) Her friend’s father                                   
 4) the cow’s tail            5)the princess’s ring                       6)  a week’s holiday

Ø  Note that’s used mainly with the names of living things and also in some phrases denoting time. Normally, it is not used with non-living things. We say
e.g.       1. ‘the leg of the table’ and not ‘the table’s leg’.
2. ‘the surface of the wall’ and not ‘the wall’s surface’.
With the pronoun ‘it’, we use only s and not’s.
e.g.  its horns, its cover.
Ø  With a plural noun ending with ‘s’, we use only the apostrophe and not ’s
e.g.  Boys’ School, rabbits’ ears.
Ø  We can use either only ’ or ’s with names ending in ‘s’.
e.g.  Suhas’s bag or Suhas’ bag.
Ø  The apostrophe is also used to show that a letter / letters have been omitted.
e.g.  I’m (I am), He’ll (He will). It’s means ‘it is’ or ‘it has’.
Ø  The apostrophe is sometimes used to show the plural of letters and numbers.  E.g. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.
2)   Capital letters : Capitals or capital letters are used –
Ø  to begin a sentence :
e.g.    It is raining.                          Birds fly.
What’s your name ?            How nice! Go home.
Ø  to begin each line of a poem :
e.g.      Into the sunshine,
Full of the light,
Leaping and flashing
From morn till night!
Ø  to begin a proper noun and words derived from a proper noun :
e.g.  Sushma, George, English, Indian, Himalaya, Pune.
Ø  In titles of books, films, stories, etc.:- e.g. Balbharati, Sleeping Beauty, The Last Leaf.

The pronoun ‘I’ and the exclamation ‘O’ are always in capital.
 In some abbreviations:   e.g.  B.A., Smt., PTO

3)   Colon  (:)  :- A colon is used –
Ø  to introduce a list or examples :
e.g. We need the following : a pen, a pencil, a ruler and a piece of paper.
There are three types of volcanoes: active, dormant and extinct.
     Ø  between two closely connected sentences.
Ø  to introduce a quotation, the speech of a character in a play.

4)   Comma (,):- Commas show a slight pause. They are used –
Ø  to separate words in a list :
e.g.  There were lions, tigers, horses, monkeys and dogs.
Ø  to separate phrases or clauses :
e.g. ‘By the way, since you are interested in these little problems, and since you were good enough to record some of my experiences, you may be interested in this.’
Ø  in writing conversations :
e.g.“Come here,” she said.
 He said, “That’s right !”
Ø  to separate an introductory word or phrase that applies to the whole sentence.
As a result, they lost the match.
Ø  before or after the word or words used to address someone :
e.g:- Elementary, my dear Watson !
Daddy, I have a question.

5)   Dash (-)  :-  It is used to separate parts of a sentence :        
e.g:- She was counting something in a very low voice – almost a whisper.
              Sometimes it is used in place of the colon.
6)   Exclamation mark (!)  :-  It is used after an interjection or exclamation  
e.g. Congratulations !
                        Wish you all the best !
 Shocking !
7)   Full stop ( . ) :- It is also known as ‘period’. It shows a longer pause. It is used
Ø  at the end of a statement or order :
e.g.  1. Dogs are loyal.
       2. Come in.
Ø  in some abbreviations :  B.Sc.
8)   Hyphen (-)  : - It is used to connect the parts of a compound word :
e.g. double-click, easy-going.
Ø  It is also used to show that a word continues on the next line.
9)   Question mark (?)  :-  It is used at the end of a question.
e.g.      1.What time is it ?
2. Do you know the answer ?
3. Why don’t you join us ?
10)                   Quotation marks (‘……’ or “….”) :- They are also known as inverted commas. They are used :
Ø  to mark a quotation, or a specially used word or phrase.
Ø  Double quotation marks are used in writing conversations.
e.g. “Meena, it’s a beautiful day,” I said.
            He asked me, “What is my fault?”
11)                   Semi-colon  (:) :- It shows a pause. It is used to separate clauses, especially those which are NOT joined by a conjunction.

     Activities               For Standard Ten


--------------------------¨                                                         ¨------------------------------

Que.1.A) Punctuate the following sentences.        
(1) lets go for a walk   (S.S.C-March-2019)
Ans:- Let’s go for a walk.
(2) hows that said nathu (S.S.C-March-2019)
Ans:- “How’s that?”, said Nathu.                                          
(3) she replied i am working for science
Ans:- She replied, “I am working for science.”
 (4) bholi, are you crazy shouted ramlal
 Ans;- “Bholi, are you crazy?” shouted Ramlal.
(5) give me the garland he announced
Ans:- “Give me the garland,” he announced.
(6) have you seen her said bishamber to the friend next to him
 Ans;-“Have you seen her?” said Bishamber to the friend next to him.
(7) so what does it matter his wife replied
 Ans;- So what does it matter?” his wife replied.
(8) the holy quran says kill not your children because of poverty
Ans;- The Holy Quran says: “Kill not your children because of poverty.”
(9) well i wish you luck said sitaram
Ans:- ‘Well, I wish you luck,’ said Sitaram.
(10) we wont get a taxi in this rain i grumbled
 Ans:- ‘We won’t get a taxi in this rain’, I grumbled.
(11) he asked me what is my fault
Ans:- He asked me, “What is my fault?”
(12) he said sir i have never thought about it
Ans;-He said, “Sir, I have never thought about it.”


-----------------------------------¨                                       ¨-----------------------------------

Que.1.A) Punctuate the following sentences.
(1) did you give any gurudakshina to your guru i asked
(2) no there isnt anyone like that she said
(3) well buy an umbrella and then go to the Grand Hotel she said.
(4) what a shameless girl
(5) shweta is a very beautiful girl isn’t she
(6) she smiled a beggar changed my life
(7) she said I am doing my bit
(8) then whats the secret of your energy I asked
(9) whats the matter with you, you fool shouted ramlal               
(10) have you studied that he asked me.

                     THANKS FOR READING

For any query contact or mail me 
By Mr.Bhangare Adiraj Damodhar
     Samata Vidya Mandir Jorve Pin No 422605
    Mob.No- 9960545164

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