Revised Evaluation Pattern 2019-2020

English (Third Language) My English Coursebook
Evaluation Pattern: Standard IX and X
1. Role of the Activity Sheet
2. Framework / Format of the Activity Sheet.
     Skill wise Testing Areas: Detailed Explanation
     Section I: Language Study
     Section II: Textual Passages
     Section III: Poetry
     Section IV: Non – Textual Passage
     Section V: Writing Skill
     Section VI: Skill Development
3. Role of Applied Writing
     (A) Letter Writing (Formal/Informal)
     (B) Dialogue Writing / Drafting a speech
     (A) Information Transfer
           Verbal to Non – verbal and Non – verbal to Verbal
    (B) Expand the theme
     (A) Translation
4. Specimen / Model Activity Sheet (Written)
5. Specimen / Model Answer Sheet (Written)
6. Oral and Internal Assessment
7. Specimen / Model Activity Sheet (Oral)
8. Oral/Internal Record Sheets
2. Framework / Format of the Activity Sheet
SSC Activity Sheet Pattern
(Std. X)
[My English Coursebook Ten (Third Language)]
*Written paper 80 Marks
* The difficulty wise distribution of marks in 80 marks paper should be :
 40% :Easy                   40% :Medium  20% : challenging
   A set of each type of questions is provided with this presentation. The teacher
   may design her/his Activity Sheetby using a judicious combination of the       
   question types. A specimen format has been given here for reference only.
Format of the Activity Sheet
Skill/Testing Items
Section I
Language Study
Q.1 (A) Language study
       (B) Language Study
08 Marks
02 Marks
12 min
03 min
Section II
Textual Passages
Q.2 (A) Textual Passage
       (B) Textual Passage
10 Marks
10 Marks
15 min
15 min
Section III
Q.3 (A) Poem for Comprehension
       (B) Poem for Appreciation
05 Marks
05 Marks
10 min
08 min
Section IV
Non Textual passage
Q.4 (A) Non-textual Passage for
       (B) Summary of same Non
             Textual Passage
10 Marks

05 Marks

20 min

15 min
Section V
Writing Skills
Q.5 (A) Letter Writing
              (Formal / Informal)
       (B) Dialogue writing / Speech
Q.6 (A) Information Transfer Non-        
              Verbal to Verbal/verbal to  
       (B) Expand the theme.
             News Report based on the  
   given headline /Developing a   story with a given beginning or an end

05 Marks

05 Marks

05 Marks

05 Marks
15 min

15 min

15 min

15 min

Section VI
Skill Development
Q.7 (A) Translation
05 Marks

07 min


15 min

80 Marks
180 min

Q.1 (A) Language Study(Any Four)08 Mark
    (6 simple activities based on vocabulary and grammar with options.)
         1. Complete the words/spellings by using correct letters/
              Fill in the missing letters                                                                                02 Marks
         2. Put the words in alphabetical order.                                                                 02 Marks
*        Words beginning with different letters      
*        Words beginning with same letters (4 words each)
        3. Punctuate the following. (2 sentences from the course book)                         02 Marks
             Use of quotation marks, commas, apostrophe,
(Capitalization, full-stop, question mark, exclamation mark.)
        4. Make four words each (minimum of 3 letters) using the letters in the given   
             word.                                                                                                                02 Marks
5. Write related words. (Any one)                                                                               02 Marks
                              Adj                                                                         Adv
           Adj           Noun          Adj                                  Adv             Verb            Adv
                             Adj                                                                         Adv
    6. Complete the word chain of noun/verb/adjective.                            02 Marks
For example, Nature,              
         English,h----,  -----,  -----,  -----,  ----- (4 words).
(B) Do as directed      02 Marks
(1) (a) Make ameaningful sentence by using the given phrase.                  01 Mark
      (b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully. 01 mark
(2) (a) Add prefix or suffix to make new words.   (02 words)                            01 Mark
      (b) Use any one of the following words in your own sentence. (2 words)
     01 Mark
            [same words from (2a) should be asked in (2b) ]

Section II: Textual Passages                 20 Marks
(Reading skill, Vocabulary and Grammar)
Q. 2 (A) and (B) Textual passages for comprehension         30 minutes
            (1) Simple factual activity                                                                      02 Marks
            (2) Complex factual activity                                                                   02 Marks
            (3) Activity based on vocabulary                                                          02 Marks
            (4) Activity based on contextual grammar                                          02 Marks
            (5) Activity based on personal response, expression, creativity
            And imagination                                                                                 02 Marks

Section III: Poetry         10 Marks
Q.3 (A) Poem for comprehension                                                                  05 Marks
       (B) Appreciation of the poem                                                                  05 Marks
Q.3 (A) Poem for comprehension                                                                   05 Marks
        (A1) Simple factual                                                                                      02 Marks
        (A2) Complex factual                                                                                   02 Marks
        (A3) Poetic device                                                                                        01 Mark
(B) Poem for appreciation.
       (Students should write an appreciation of the given poem withthe help of given points in a point format)                                                                                                                            05 Marks       
                1. Title                                                                                                   ½ Mark
                2 Name the poet                                                                                  ½ Mark         
                3. Rhyme scheme                                                                               01 Mark
                4. Figure of speech (Any 1)                                                                01 Mark
                5. Theme / Central Idea    (At least 2 to 3 lines)                           02 Marks
Section IV: Non – Textual Passage   - 15 Marks
Q.4 (A) Non –textual passage for comprehension                                    20 minutes
        (Refer to the points given for textual passages.)
(B) Non – textual passage for summary                                               15 minutes
           * The student should read the given passage very carefully to understand it.
       * Suggesting title is mandatory.
       * The student should express the theme / gist of the passage in his own words.
       * Student should use appropriate vocabulary, grammar and language while            
       * The student should avoid exact repetition of sentences while summarizing         
           and he should not express his opinion.
Section V: Writing Skill -20 Marks
                        (a) Letter                                                                                             15 min
(b) Dialogue writing / speech                                                            15 min
                        (c) Information Transfer                                                                   15 min
                        (d) Expand the Theme                                                                        15 min

(a) Letter Writing                                                                         05 marks
* In the Activity Sheet both types of letters will be given where students can choose any one of them.
* Emotions, opinions should be well expressed through proper words.
* Letters should be written in Block Format. All the components of the letter should be aligned to the left.
* The following points should be considered while writing a letter.
Q.5 (A) Letter Writing – Marking scheme                                  05 Marks

Marking scheme
Marking scheme
Sender’s address & date
½ Mark       
Sender’s address & date
½ Mark       
Recipient’s address  
½ Mark       
½ Mark       
½ Mark
Main body
2 ½ Marks
Main body
2 Marks
½ Mark
½ Mark
1 Mark
1 Mark

(B) Dialogue writing / Drafting a speech                                                 05 Marks
            The objective of dialogue writing is to develop conversational English used
in day-to-day life.
* Appropriate tense (present, past, future) should be used while writing a       dialogue.
* Language style should be used in accordance to the context and relation of the speaker.
* Dialogue should be written in a very simple, lucid language keeping in mind the flow of the conversation.
* Punctuation marks should be used appropriately wherever necessary.
i) Dialogue Writing – Marking scheme                                                05 Marks
a) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences (Themes from Chit-Chat)
                                       (4 sentences)                                                         01 Mark
b) Complete the dialogue        
                           (Themes from Chit-Chat)                                                  01 Mark
c) Write a dialogue on a given theme.                                                              03 Marks
     (Any one theme from Chit-Chat / based on the subject of any prose and poetry)     (Minimum 3 meaningful exchanges)
ii) Drafting a speech
            * Determine the topic for speaking and understand the general and specific purpose of the speech to meet the needs of delivery.
            * Prepare the speech to capture and captivate the listener.

ii) Drafting a speech – Marking scheme                                                         05 Marks
            * Appropriate beginning / conclusion                                                   01 Mark
            * Body – Use of given points and additional points,
               Appropriate use of language                                                                02 Mark
            * Appropriate sequence and flow of language                                    01 Mark
            * Use of appropriate grammatical structure                                        01 Mark

Q.6 (A) Information Transfer                                                          05 Marks
            Verbal to non- verbal (ii) Nonverbal to Verbal
(i)                 Verbal to non- verbal
*        The student should transfer the given information from a paragraph to the non-verbal format.
*        Read the paragraph carefully.
*        Sort out the important points.
*        Incorporate the points in the given format.
*        The student can use a pen or a pencil to draw the graphic forms
*        The student is not allowed to add his / her own points to the information given.
(ii)   Non-verbal to Verbal
*        Read and present in a graphic form.
(Chart, tree-diagram, flow – chart, Do’s and Don’ts etc.)
* Observe the graphic and describe.

(a) Information Transfer – Marking Scheme                              05 Marks

Verbal to non-Verbal                                          
Marking scheme
Nonverbal to Verbal                                         
Marking scheme
1 Mark
1 Mark
Covering all points
2 Marks
Use of given points
2 Marks
Appropriate graphic/Layout
1 Mark
1 Mark
Overall presentation
1 Mark
Appropriate beginning and conclusion
1 Mark
(b) Expand the theme                                              
            (1) News Report
            (2) Developing a story/with a given beginning/end
(b) Expand the theme – Marking scheme             05 Marks
               Title and / or beginning                                                                     01 Mark
            * Vocabulary and Grammar                                                                  01 Mark
            * Use of appropriate points/examples/conveying message                 02 Marks
            * Logical order/conclusion                                                                  01 Mark        
(B) Translation                                                                                           10 min
Q.7 Translation – Marking scheme                                                     05 Marks
a. Any 4out of 6 words from the Coursebook (Translation from English  into Medium of Instruction)      02 Marks
b. Any 2 out of 4 sentences (Translation from English into Medium of instruction)         2 Marks
c. Any 1out of 2 idioms / proverbs (Translation from English into Medium of Instruction)     01 Mark
Section – I – Language study
Section – II – Textual passage
Section – III – Poetry
Section – IV – Non – Textual Passage
Section – V – Writing skill
Section – VI – Skill Development

Total -
Note :
       The above framework and format of ‘Activity Sheet’will be the same for –
          1. Std. IX – First Term Exam
          2. Std. IX – Second Term  Exam
          3. Std. X – First Term Exam
          4. Std. X – Preliminary Exam
          5. Std. X – Board Final Exam

Time – 3 Hours                                                                                                        Std.  –X
Date–                                                                                                             Marks – 80


  Q.1 (A)   Do as directed. (Attempt any four)                                               (08 Marks)

(1)      Complete the words by using correct letters.                                                      02

(i)     st_rt             (ii)sl_ve               (iii) gr_at             (iv) fo_ce

(2)      Put the words in alphabetical order.                                                                    02

(i)     epic, right, able, heart
(ii)     passion, profound, premier, pain

(3)       Punctuate the following.                                                                                       02

(i)     whats that said kamal kishore
(ii)     may be you are right muttered ramlal

(4)       Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the

letters in  the word ‘granddaughter’                                                                    02

(5)       Write the related words as shown in the example.                                             02





(6)      Complete the word-chain of ‘verbs’. Add four words, each
beginning with  the  last  letter  of  the previous word.                                       02


Q.1 (B) Do as directed. (02 Marks)

1. (Attempt any one)

(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase ‘to wish for’.                                    01
(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully.                              01

                You will get success.

2. (Attempt any one)

   (a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words. (2 words)
       (i)  complete                  (ii) lucky
 (b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following words

       (i) complete                   (ii) lucky

   Q.2 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities.                         (10 Marks) (A1)  Complete the following sentences.                                                                                               02
(i)     The writer offered the baby langur……...
(ii)     The baby langur was in state of………
(iii)     The mother langur was sitting on their………

I took the baby langur  to  our  backyard  and  gently  laid  him  on  the  floor  inside the poultry coop. His body was full of deep bite marks and scratched. Blood      was oozing from some of the wounds. The baby remained motionless. My father provided first aid to clean the wounds and stop the bleeding. I was relieved to find        out that the baby was breathing, even though his breaths were shallow.
Splashes of  cold  water  made  the  baby  stir  and  after  a  few  shaky  attempts,  he sat up. He was in  state  of  shock  and  started  trembling  like  a  leaf  in  the wind. His two little twinkling eyes welled up with tears and  he  started  to  sob  with  a  muffled cry - just like a human  child  would  after  experiencing  trauma.  I offered him a peeled banana which he accepted with his unsteady hand and began taking hesitant bites.
My attention  was  fixed  on  the  revival  of  the  baby  langur.  Suddenly, I had an uncanny feeling of being watched.  I turned away from the coop and looked up. There sat the mother langur on our kitchen roof, watching every move I made. She simply sat there quietly, as if convinced that no harm was being done to her child.

Splashes of cold water made the baby………

(A2)  Arrange the following events as per their sequence.                                                 02

(i)     Writer’s father provided first aid to clean the wounds.
(ii)     After a few shaky attempts, the baby langur sat up.
(iii)     The writer turned away from the coop.
(iv)     The writer took the baby langur to their backyard.

(A3)  Match the synonyms.                                                                                                    02

A                                                                       B
(i)     trauma                                                           (a)move
(ii)     coop                                                             (b)still
(iii)     stir                                                               (c) great distress
(iv)     motionless                                                   (d) cage for poultry

(A4) Do as directed.

(1)      The baby remained motionless.

(Make negative without changing the meaning.)                                                    01

(2)      She simply sat there quietly.  (Choose correct question tag.)                             01

(i)     doesn’t she?           (ii) didn’t she?
(iii)  wasn’t she?          (iv) don’t she?

(A5)  How will you help an injured bird/ animal?                                                                   02

Q.2 (B) Read the following passage and do the activities.                                            (10 Marks)
(B1)  Write whether the following sentences are true or false.                                                    02
(i)     Quantifying goals provides specific ways to track progress against goals.
(ii)   Setting goals that can’t be completed in the designated period of time.

SMART goals have a specific rubric:
Specific: Involves identifying a specific area for improvement. The more specific     the area, the more refined the achievement of one’s goal can be.  It makes it easier to set parameters and work towards the goal. For example,  if  it  is  building  a  house, what exactly is the capacity required and how long can it stretch?
Measurable: Quantifying goals provides specific ways to track progress against goals. This makes it easy to benchmark performance throughout the goal period, including areas to improve.  While playing football, one’s exact role and position has to be clearly defined.
Achievable: Setting goals that can be completed in the designated period of time. Often, these goals may act like stepping stones to help meet broader goals that further define a career. As students, we can’t become a President, a Prime Minister, but can      hope to reach those heights in future.
Realistic: It  is  important  to  create  goals  that  are  within  one’s  current  skill  set  or area of expertise.  Building expertise takes time, so expecting to become anexpert in a short amount of time is unrealistic. Being realistic will make it easy to be successful at attaining goals. If defensive and not aggressive, the goal perhaps lacks realism.Wemusthavetheclearpictureinmindandmusthavetheabilitytoadhere
to that picture.

 It is important to create goals that are within one’s current skill set or area of expertise.
(iv) Being realistic will make it difficult to be successful at attaining goals.

   (B2)  How does quantifying goals help us?                                                                          02

(B3)  Cross the odd man out.                                                                                                 02
(1)       involve, provide, important, create.
(2)     specific, realistic, defensive, capacity.
(3)      performance, achievement, aggressive, President.
(4)      clearly, lucky, freely, exactly.
(B4)  (1)   It is important to create goals.  (Pick out the infinitive.)                                       01
(2)   These goals may act like steppingstones.                                                               01

(Pick out the present participle.)

(B5)  Why is it necessary to set our goals realistic?                                                              02


Q.3 (A) Read the following stanzas and do the activities.                                             (5 Marks) (A1)  Choose the correct alternative and complete the sentences.                                                                       02

(i)           According to the poet,                         are brought by each new day. (new beginnings / new endings)
(ii)        We must decide to take the road which leads to  ……………. (great distress / great success)

Each day brings new beginnings, Decisions I must make.
   I am the only one to choose
     The road that I will take.
I can choose to take the road of life, That leads to great success
Or travel down the darkened road,
                                                      That leads to great distress.

(A2)  Complete the following web.                                                                       02

The road of life leads to

(A3)  Name the figures of speech.                                                                                         01
(1)    Decisions I must make                            
(2)      Travel down the darkened road                             

(B)        Appreciation of the poem.                                                                            (5 Marks)

O Captain! My Captain!
O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
O Captain! My Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up- for you the flag is flung- for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths- for you the shore acrowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! Dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck, You’ve fallen cold and dead.
My  Captain  does  not  answer,  his  lips  are  pale  and  still;  My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.
- WaltWhitman

Read the following poem and write an appreciation of it with the help of the points     given below.
·         Title                                                                                                                 ½
·          Name of the poet                                                                                           ½                      
·         Rhyme Scheme                                                                                               01
·         Figures of  Speech (Any one)                                                                         01                    
·         Theme / Central idea ( in 2 to 3 lines)                                                            02        


Q.4 (A) Read the following passage and do the activities.                                     (10 Marks)    (A1)  Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                                            02

(i)                                   wastes are not being managed properly.
(ii)                                    of garbage is one of the most important services.
(iii)              At present                          of Delhi’s land mass is being choked by the garbage.
(iv)                                    are managing solid wastes for at least 25 thousand Delhites.

It is obvious from the visible garbage around us that solid wastes are not being managed properly. However, housing colonies are the most disorganized sector as far as garbage is concerned. As a result, the legal garbage dumps are overflowing and the number of illegal garbage dumps in the by-lanes, parks and roadsides are on  the  increase  in  most  colonies  of  Delhi  and  for  that  matter  in  all Indian cities.
At present five percent of Delhi’s land mass is being choked by the garbage.  This five percent has become a wasteland, its utility is steadily declining and soil quality is deteriorating. Besides being eyesores, these garbage dumps pose health and environment hazard for the ten million people who live in Delhi. They are breeding grounds for the germs of infectious disease like plague, tuberculosis, dysentery, diarrhoea, eye-infections and numerous skin ailments.
Scientific management of garbage thus is one of the most important services   that need to be regularized in all residential colonies. After exploring all viable solutionstothisproblem,Ihavesuccessfullylaunchedanindigenousscheme
– Cleaning Brigades – in many colonies of Delhi. The cleaning Brigades are managing solid wastes for at least 25 thousand Delhites.  A year and a half back the first cleaning brigade was launched during the Asiad. Since then it has been constantly expanding.


(A2)  Complete the following web.                                                                                        02

Ill-effects of garbage

(A3)  Find  from  the  passage  the  antonymsof  :                                                               02
(i)     invisible×                                              (ii) problems ×                   
(iii) legal ×                                                   (iv) inclining×                    

(i)     These garbage dumps pose health and environment hazard. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘as well as’)
(ii)   The first cleaning brigade was launched during the Asiad.
(Frame a question to get the underlined part as an answer)
(A5) Suggest any four solutions for overcoming the problem of garbage.      02
(B)  SUMMARY WRITING                                                                                     (5 Marks)
Read the passage given in Q.4 (A) and write the summary of it. Suggest a suitable title to your summary.
Q.5 (A) Letter Writing                                                                                               (5 Marks)
        Al or A2 Do any one of the following.
Suppose you are Ramesh / Pallavi Chavan. Read the advertisement given below and attempt any one of the letters given below it.

An initiative by Nagarpanchayat Renapur.
Let’s plant on 15th February, 2019 at government schools, colleges, hospitals, streets andNagarpanchayat.
Target            :     500 saplings Duration:                          1day
Time                :     9:00 am to5:00
Plant a tree on your birthday and watch it grow with you. Come join us. Write to us for registrations voluntarily.
Address          :     Nagarpanchayat, Main Road,Renapur.

Advantages  of  tree plantation
   Trees provide shade and fruits.
   Trees control soil erosion
   Trees provide habitat for wildlife
   Trees act as windbreak.
   Trees breathe in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen

(A2) Formal letter
Write a letter to the organiser of the event requesting him/her to register your name as a volunteer. Also enquire about the following things.
               types of trees
               snacks / refreshment during the event
               certificate of the event
               Add your own points

(A1) Informal letter
Write a letter to your best friend    encouraging     him to take part in the tree plantation drive.  Remind him about his birthday on the same eventful day. Tell him the advantages of the drive.

ORQ.5 B. B1 or B2. Do any one of the following.                                                         (5 Marks)

(B1) Dialogue Writing

(1)      Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences.                                                01
A: Could you finish all the questions in time?
B: Question number 5 and 6 were difficult for me.
A: Which questions were difficult for you?
B: Yes, I could.

(2)      Complete the following dialogue.                                                                         01

A: Do you like to hear bedtime stories?
A: Which stories do you like to hear the most?

(3)      Write a dialogue on ‘Preparation for the exam’ between you and your friend.  (Minimum 3 meaningful exchanges)                                                                                          03


(B2) Imagine that you are the captain of kho-kho team of your school. You are asked to deliver a speech on ‘Hard work: A key to Success’. Use the following points in your draft.

            Hardwork                                                                                                 05
            No short cuts for success
            Stay motivated
            Set a goal
            Proper planning
            Perseverance  Q.6 (A) Information Transfer                                                                         (5 Marks)
                  A1 OR A2. Do any one of the following.
(A1)  Non-verbal toVerbal:                                                                                           05
Read the information given in the following table.Write a paragraph based on it. Give a suitable title to it.

February to May
June to September
October to January
very hot
cloudy chilly-cold
Gauri and Ganesh festival
Dipawali/ Dussehra
Work of farmers
ploughing field
sowing seeds
Sowing seeds.
(OR)(A2)  Verbal toNon-verbal:                                                                                                     05
Read the information given below and represent it in the form of tree-diagram. Give a suitable title toit.


There are two classes of sugar:  Natural sugar and Processed sugar.  What the common man uses is generally processedsugar.
Fructose, glucose and maple syrup are natural sugars. Maple syrup is very popular in America. It can be purchased from health food shops. Another natural sugar is honey, which is available in many forms and flavours. Processed sugar,    raw cane sugar,  white  sugar  and  soft  brown  sugar  can  be  classified  according to the stages in the process at which  they  are  produced  in  the  refineries.  Raw cane sugar  is  an  early  stage  in  the  process  of  making  white  sugar.  It is of two types – Barbados and Demerara.  Soft brown sugar is made from either raw cane or white sugar.  White sugar is the most widely consumed sugar.  Sugar granules, icing sugar, cube sugar, castor are some of the vicious kinds available in themarket.

(B)  Expand the theme                                                                                      (5 Marks)

B1 or B2 Do any one of the following.
(B1)  News Report                                                                                                         05
Read the following headline and prepare a news report with the help of given points:

     ‘Ten year old saves a drowning boy’

·         Headline
·         Dateline
·         Intro
·         Short continuing paragraph
(B2)  Develop a story to get the following end.  Suggest a suitable title.                   05
Once there was a poor boy named Sumit. He had a rich friend Rohit. They were …………………………………



Q.7 Translation                                                                                                         (5 Marks)

(a)         Translate the following words into your medium of instruction. (Any four)          02

(1)     success                          (4)happy             
(2)     test                                (5) market
(3)     common                        (6) difficult

(b)         Translate the following sentences into your medium of instruction. (Any two)      02

(1)     Trees are our best friends.
(2)     Reading books is a good habit.
(3)     I like comedy movies.
(4)     India is my country.

(c)          Translate the following idiom/proverb into your medium of instruction. (Any one)

1.      Service to man is service to God.                                                                          (01)

2.      A stitch in time saves nine.


Q.1 (A) Do as directed (Any four)
(1)        (i) start                                                                                                              ½  
(ii) slave                                                                                                           ½  
(iii) great                                                                                                          ½  
(iv) force                                                                                                          ½
(2)       (i) able, epic, heart, right                                                                                  01  
           (ii) pain, passion, premier, profound                                                    01
(3)       (i) “What’s that?” said Kamal Kishore.                                                           01  
(ii) “May be you are right”, muttered Ramlal.                                                01
(4)        grand, daughter, great, drag.   
(Other correct words can be accepted.)                                              ½, ½, ½, ½











(Other correct words can be accepted.)                                              ½, ½, ½, ½
(6) speak – keep – put – take – earn
    (Other correct words (verbs) can be accepted.)                                          ½, ½, ½, ½
Q1 (B) Do as directed
1.      (a) I wish for a happy world.                                                                                      01 
(Any correct sentence can be accepted)
      (b) You will get success, if you work hard.                                                    01
            (Any correct sentence can be accepted)
(2) (a)        (i) complete – incomplete or completion or completely                     ½ 
                  (ii) lucky – unlucky or luckily                                                             ½
(b) I am lucky.                                                                                                 01
(Any correct sentence can be accepted)

(A1)     (i) The writer offered the baby langur a peeled banana.                                 ½
            (ii) The baby langur was in a state of shock.                                                   ½
(iii) The mother langur was sitting on their kitchen roof.                               ½
(iv) Splashes of cold water made the baby stir.                                              ½

(A2)     (i) The writer took the baby langur to their backyard.                                                 ½
            (ii) Writer’s father provided first aid to clean the wounds.                                          ½ 
(iii) After a few shaky attempts, the baby langur sat up.                                            ½
(iv) The writer turned away from the coop.                                                                 ½
(A3)                 A                                 B
(i) trauma                     great distress                                       ½
 (ii) coop                      cage for poultry                                    ½
 (iii) stir                        move                                                               ½
(iv) motionless             still                                                       ½
(A4) (1) The baby didn’t move. (OR)    The baby did no movements.          01  
(Other relevant answer can be accepted.)
(2) She simply sat there quietly, didn’t she?                                                   01
(A5) Students should write four to five correct sentences as a response. The answer should include first aid, food, water, shelter etc.  Students are also free to write their own answer.  02
(B) (B1) 
(i)     Quantifying goals provides specific ways to track progress against goals.---True ½
(ii)   Setting goals that can’t be completed in the designated period of time.-----False ½
(iii)  It is important to create goals that are within one’s current skill set or area of expertise.-----True                                                                                             ½
(iv) Being realistic will make it difficult to be successful at attaining goals. False     ½

 (B2)  Quantifying goals help us to track progress towards our goal. This makes it easier to mark our development. It also helps us understand the areas to improve. We can see our growth and work on areas to improve.                                                        02
(i)  involve, provide, important, create.                                                            ½       
(ii) specific, realistic, defensive, capacity.                                                      ½ 
(iii) performance, achievement, aggressive, President                                     ½ 
(iv) clearly, lucky, freely, exactly                                                                     ½

(B4) (i) to create                                                                                              01 
(ii) stepping                                                                                         01
(B5) Students should write four to five correct sentences as a response.      02
Q.3 (A)
(A1) (i) According to the poet, new beginnings are brought by each new day.                     01
(ii) We must decide to take the road which leads to great success.                           01
(A2) great success The road of life leads to great distress                                                     02
(A3)  (1) Decisions, I must make - Inversion                                       ½
(2) Travel down the darkened road - Alliteration                    ½
(B) Appreciation of the poem
• Title: - O Captain! My Captain!                                                                   ½
 • Poet/Poetess: - Walt Whitman                                                                     ½
 • Rhyme scheme: - aabb cded                                                                        01
• Figures of speech: - Apostrophe, Repetition, Onomatopoeia etc.                01
• Theme/Central idea: - The poem is about the mixed emotions of the speaker. He is joyous about the victorious return after a deadly war at the same time he is sad as his captain is no more. It symbolizes the mournful feelings about the great leader. It is dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, the former President of America.                                                       02
Q.4 (A1) (i) Solid wastes are not being managed properly.                                                    ½
 (ii) Scientific management of garbage is one of the most important services.                       ½
(iii) At present five percent of Delhi’s land mass is being choked   by the garbage.               ½
(iv)The Cleaning Brigades are managing solid wastes for at least   25 thousand Delhites.   ½
(A2) Complete the following web.     ½,½,½,½

Land becomes waste land

Ill-effects of garbage

Soil quality deteriorates

It poses health and environmental hazards

Land becomes breeding grounds for germs of infectious diseases

(i) invisible × visible                                                     ½ 
(ii) problems × solutions                                               ½ 
(iii) legal × illegal                                                        ½ 
(iv) inclining × declining                                              ½

(A4) (i) These garbage dumps pose health as well as environment hazard.    01 
(2) (ii)  When was the first cleaning Brigade launched?                     01
(A5) Students should write four to five correct sentences as a response. The answer may include following points.                                                                                                  02 
(1) Spreading awareness
(2) Not to use plastic bottles
(3) Recycle used things  
(4) Use cloth bags  
(5) Use proper garbage disposal system etc. 
(This is a specimen response; students can give their own responses.)

(B) When you summarize the given non-textual passage consider the following things –
• Suggest a title to your summary.
• Express the gist of the passage in your own words by using the points underlined.
• Use appropriate vocabulary, grammar and language.
• Avoid exact repetition of sentences from the passage.
• Don’t express your opinion
Marking Scheme for Summary Writing
• Suggest /Write a title                        01
• Central idea/theme                                       02
• Use of appropriate language             02

Q.5 Letter Writing Marking Scheme
(A1)  Informal
• Sender’s address and date                                       ½
• Salutation                                                     ½
• Main Body                                                  
• Closing                                                         ½
• Grammar                                                       1
(A2) Formal
• Sender’s address and date                                       ½
• Recipient’s address                                      ½
• Subject and Salutation                                 ½
• Main body                                                                02
• Subscription/closing                                      ½
• Grammar                                                       1

(B) Dialogue Writing / Drafting a speech.
(B1) Dialogue Writing – Marking Scheme
(i)                 Appropriate sequence of the given dialogue.                               01
(ii)               Appropriate responses to complete the dialogue.                         01
(iii)             Meaningful, minimum 3 exchanges of given theme.                    03
The students should –
• use appropriate tense form in dialogues
• use/ choose a language style suitable to the context and relationship between the parties involved in the conversation.
• use simple and lucid language keeping in mind the flow of conversation.
• use punctuation marks appropriately.
(B2) Drafting a speech – Marking Scheme
• Appropriate beginning / conclusion                                                                                      01
• Body – use of given points and additional points,   use of appropriate language               02
• Appropriate sequence and flow of language                                                                        01
• Use of appropriate grammatical structure                                                                            01

Q.6 (A) Information Transfer
(A1) Non-verbal to verbal
• Title                                                                          01
• Use of the given points                                            02
• Grammar                                                                   01
• Appropriate beginning and conclusion

(A2) Verbal to Non-verbal
• Title                                                                          01
• Covering all points                                                   02
• Appropriate graphic/layout                                       01
• Overall Presentation                                                 01

Q.6 (B) Expand the theme
B1 OR B2 Marking Scheme
• Title and Beginning                                                                                      01
• Vocabulary and Grammar                                                                            01
• Use of appropriate points/examples / conveying message                            02
• Logical order/ conclusion                                                                             01


Q7. Translation – Marking Scheme
a.       Accept any reasonably correct translated words (any four)               ½,½,½,½
b.      Accept any reasonably correct translated sentences (any two)          1, 1
c.       Accept any reasonably correct proverb/idiom (any one)                    1

6. Internal Assessment: [(Oral (10) + Assignment (10)]

*Std – 9th& 10th                             * Sub – English (LL)                                   *Marks 20

*Std. – 9th
                      First Semester
                  Second Semester
Marks allotted
Marks allotted
Written exam.
Written exam.
Internal Assessment

                  1. Oral Exam

                    1. Oral Exam
   * Listening skill
   * Speaking skill
   * Listening skill
   * Speaking skill
  2. Assignments
      (Total 2)
2.  Assignments
      (Total 2)
 Total  (Written + Oral)
  Total  (Written + Oral)

* Std – 10th
            In the academic year of Std. X First Term Exam and Preliminary Exam should be conducted as recommended in the evaluation format.
The Evaluation Pattern and Marking Scheme for State Secondary Certificate examination conducted by State Board will be as follows –
Board Exam (Written)
80 Marks
Internal Evaluation
20 Marks
1. Oral Exam
   * Listening skill (05 Marks)
   * Speaking skill (05 Marks)
10 Marks
2. Assignments
                   (Total – 2)
                  (Each for 5 Marks)

10 Marks
100 Marks

(I) For Oral Exam

(I) Listening Skill: (Choose any one of the following)    5 Marks                       
1) Listen to the passage and write the answers of the objective questions based on it. (Minimum 5 questions).

2. Listen and write – 5 sentences or 10 words –


3. Listen to the poem and answer the objective questions based on it. (Minimum 5 objective type questions)

4. Listen to the “Audio Clip” and write the answers of objective questions based
on it. (Minimum 5 questions)

Note: Students should be given maximum practice of listening Audio and writing answers based on it throughout the year to prepare them for final oral exam.
II) Speaking Skill: (Choose any one of the following)                          05 Marks
            1. Self-opinion (Speaking) about a book read:
1. Introduction:         Name and author of the book.
2. Special features of the book:  (Type of book, language used, good points, novelty in the book.)
3. Fluency and confidence of the student in speaking.
4. Student’s overall impression about the book he has read.( merits, demerits/short comings etc)
5. Student’s effectiveness to express his opinion about the book he has read.( Sequence of content, proper conclusion)
(Refer page no. 73 of My English Course book Std. X)


2. Expressing thoughts on the given topic –
(Such topics should be parallel to the content in the Course book)(Std.X)
            * List of topics for assessing speaking skill-
            1. Human – animal relationship.
            2. Favourite tourist place.
            3. Description of a best friend.
            4. Favourite character / personality.
            5. If I had a twin brother / sister.
            6. Importance of possessing / developing positive attitude.
            7. Child labour – a curse to the society.                                       
            8. The magic of nature.
            9. Favourite sports person.
            10. My favourite scientist and his invention.
(Make a list of such topics for Std. IX based on the topics in ‘My Coursebook Std.IX’)
            * Use the following rubrics to assess –
                       -Introduction to the topic
                        - Appropriateness of the content
                        - Fluency and confidence
                        - Relevance to the topic
                        - Effectiveness of expression


3. Expressing thoughts / opinion in 8 to 10 sentences on a lesson or a poemfrom the Course book-
            * Use the following rubrics to assess –
                        - Name of the lesson / poem.(Introduction)
                        - Appropriateness of the content.
                        - Fluency and confidence.
                        - Relevance to the topic
                        - Effectiveness of expression.

(II) Assignments std. x 
(2 Assignments – each for 5 marks=10 Marks)
write any two assignments of 5 marks each from the following topics –
            * Topics for assignments – (Std. X)
1. Form Filling:-
* Online/ offline form (any-2)
            * Refer page no. 39 (a) My English Coursebook Std. X, for suggested topics.
2. PPT’s in written form / print form:-
            * 10 slides
            * Refer page no 85 ofMy English Coursebook Std. X for the suggested topics
3. E – mail writing:-
            * Preparing two e-mails (1 formal, 1 informal).
            * Refer page no. 124 of My English Coursebook Std. X for sample E-mails.
4. Blogs:-
* Creating a blog (Print form)
* Refer page no. 174 of My English Coursebook Std. X for the suggested topics.
5. Collection of Proverbs / Idioms and Phrases:-
            * Make a collection of 20 proverbs / idioms and 20 phrases in
             English with their meanings in the medium of instruction.
6. Expansion of proverb / idiom (Any 2):-
* Expand any 2 proverbs / idioms.
* Refer page no. 135 of My English Coursebook Std. X for the steps for expanding the proverbs.

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